Tuesday, November 20, 2007

labwork..and so it goes...

2 years, 5 months.

It has been 2 years and 5 months since I got myself into MS. And there are more months to count before I could really say "I'm done!" Yes, with the exclamation. This is to stress how much eager I am to finish everything. I would give no more dates, since I end up moving on to the next after the next and the next...It's as if I was meant to work more to realize my worth more. It was indeed exhausting, but I am telling you, you can't get over the wonderful feeling it gives when things come your way so smooth.

Research has been fun. And what makes my stay even more enjoyable are the people I get to work with, share my sentiments with, and those who inspire me to do more than what I though is enough.

My academic mother, and so I call her my MUDRA, has been there to guide me all the way through. It's amazing how she handles everything. Stressed at times, but still managed to have a coffee break with resounding laughter and ease.

My partner - PARDS..who even in her simplest ways would cheer me up when I am getting down..Who would be more sentimental than I am when things didn't go right..and who is jolly as ever as if nothing happened.

Devils..you know who you guys are. I sincerely thank you for being so evil..hahaha..seriously, it would never be this dark without you by my side. more "hahaha" to that...

my family, my bestfriend, my best friend..
my DADDY JC..my great KUYA..
there's nothing more I could really say but...THANK YOU for being there..


3 years will only be numbers I'd count. Soon this would end.
But my life here in the lab..my labwork..it goes on..

1 comment:

gandings said...

3 is a magical number... ive been here close to 5 years and i am still enjoying every bit of it... there are times when i feel like giving up and questioning its purpose but that is due to frustrations... and at the end of the day, if you love what you do then everything IS and WILL be worth it!